Austyn and Buffy: A Special Bond | Project 27

Scarboro Creek Equestrian Center in Luxumberg, WI

We all know being a teenager is one of the hardest times in life. For Austyn, a bright and independent young woman, her hard days are immediately made better when she gets to the barn and sees the sweet face of her heart horse Buffy. Austyn’s mom decided to schedule an equestrian photoshoot to show the special bond these two have. Read on to learn more about these two!

Buffy came into Austyn’s life when her mom got them a horse to “share” but it was clear right off the bat that Buffy had found her partner in Austyn. Good days or bad for either one of this pair, they find their happy place in each other! Despite some health conditions that limit Buffy’s showing career, these two are thick as thieves and still rule the show ring when they compete. Of course, no relationship is without its bumps and at first, Buffy flatout refused to canter for Austyn!

For Austyn and Buffy, the moment that the “heart horse” bond made itself clear was one that I know every horse owner dreams of: a lazy afternoon cuddling in the stall. Buffy was laying down for a nap and Austyn walked right in and cuddled up with her. Horses always seem to know when you need them the most and there’s no exception between these two. Buffy can always tell when Austyn needs a little extra love after a hard day and is happy to give all the snuggles and nuzzles in the world. And no matter what Buffy’s health holds in the future, Austyn will always dote on her with all the care she could need without complaint.

I love seeing these bonds between horse and rider. Regardless of age, discipline, breed, or anything else, there will always be love! Do you have a heart horse in your life? It would be my honor to capture your relationship! Get in touch to schedule a session of your own.