5 Reasons to hire a Professional Photographer to help Market your Horse

Why Hire a photographer to take sale photos

Wisconsin Equine Photographer

Maybe you are moving up to a riding level that your current horse can't quite match. Or perhaps you breed and sell professionally. Regardless of how you find yourself looking through the classified ads, there is no doubt that the buying and selling of horses are common in the equine industry. That being said, selling your horse can be an emotional and time-consuming endeavor. You want the best for your horse going forward, but you also want the selling process to be as seamless as possible. One of the most important things you can do to ensure your horse's successful sale is to hire a professional equestrian photographer. Why? Consider these five reasons.

Professional Equestrian Photos…

…Prove That Your Horse Is Worth It
Professional photographs are one of the simplest ways to showcase your horse's worth. When you use professional photos in your ad, you demonstrate that you are willing to invest in the sales process, and you likely spent time and money on your horse. Doing so proves to prospective buyers that you take this seriously—and they will, too.

…Stand Out from the Crowd
Professional photos will catch the eye of potential buyers. In the equine world, there is a slew of sale, stud, and show ads online in addition to billboards, flyers, and posters. It is easy to get lost amongst the competition. High quality and eye-catching photos will make your advertisement pop, bringing people to you.

…Save You Time and Money
Professional photos are an investment; there's no doubt about that. But investing in professional images will ultimately save you time. It can take hours to get quality photographs that will appeal to potential buyers. You may find yourself repeating the process over and over again just to get the right shot. A professional photographer brings with them the expertise to efficiently achieve the perfect shots, saving you the time and energy to pour into other pursuits.

…Highlight Your Horse's Features and Personality 
Your horse is unique, from their composition to their personality. A professional photographer can showcase your horse's differences, like their markings, muscle build, and movement. Pictures can even convey personality, whether stoic or silly, to draw in prospective buyers.

…Do Things Cell Phone Pictures Cannot
Indeed, cell phones today often come with incredible cameras. But a cellphone still can't take pictures that could ever compete with that of a high-quality camera. Professional photographers use the highest level of equipment, producing images designed for use on a wide variety of marketing platforms, from a thumbnail web image to a billboard. Can your cellphone do that?

A professional photographer knows how to manipulate light and utilize backgrounds to compliment every photo. Even better, an equestrian photographer will use their knowledge of horses to capture authentic pictures highlighting a happy, healthy, and attentive horse. As an equestrian photographer with experience in horse sales, I bring to the table a unique perspective and a commitment to producing high-quality photographs that I am convinced will successfully market your horse. I would welcome the opportunity to work with you on your exciting business endeavors.

Stallion Photography | Wisconsin Equine Photographer
Stallion Photography | Wisconsin Equine Photography
Sale Horse Photography | Wisconsin Equine Photography